Outdoor gear
If you’re visiting outside summer, you might be tempted to pick up some extra outdoor gear from a local retailer. After all, if clothing is made to withstand Iceland’s sometimes extreme weather then you can rely on its quality. Among the top brands to look out for are 66°North, which has a branch on Bankastræti about a 20 minute walk from the hotel via Laugavegur. Another popular choice, and with the advantage that it’s a little closer to ODDSSON Downtown, is Icewear.
Lopapeysa shopping
The lopapeysa is Iceland’s iconic wool sweater. You’ll see them all over Iceland but some are made abroad. To be sure of finding an authentic example, try The Handknitting Association of Iceland. It has a couple of branches in Reykjavik; the closest to the hotel by a whisker is on Skólavörðustígur, but there’s another branch on Borgartún. These beautiful jumpers can be expensive, but you can often pick one up secondhand. It’s worth the longer schlep to Kolaportið on Tryggvagata close to the Old Harbour where you might find one at a discount price.
Kringlan shopping mall
Sometimes it’s fun to head to the mall – if the weather’s inclement then everything’s undercover and you’ll stay warm and dry. The closest mall to ODDSSON Downtown is also one of Reykjavik’s best. Kringlan is a fifteen minute bus ride from the hotel – even quicker by car or taxi – and walkable in about half an hour. With more than 180 shops, restaurants and services under one roof, this is a must if you take your shopping seriously.
Explore Midtown Reykjavik

5 min bus ride to Hallgrímskirkja

30 minute walk to the centre